Tag Archives: new journey

Discovering You’re Right Where You’re Supposed to Be Ep.97


Feeling lost or unsure about your path in life? Ever wondered if there’s more to your journey than meets the eye? Feel like you’re moving without direction? It’s time to uncover the mystery of Divine Alignment and realize that you’re exactly where you need to be. Through the inspiring stories of biblical heroes like Esther, who found greatness in the midst of uncertainty, we’ll explore how every detour, every unexpected stop, is a step toward your destiny. Learn how to recognize the signs of divine guidance in your life, and find peace in the knowledge that your path is perfectly aligned with a larger, divine plan. Whether you’re facing challenges or just searching for meaning, this episode offers the reassurance and motivation you need to keep moving forward. Don’t miss out on this journey of discovery to unlock the secrets to navigating life’s twists with faith and confidence. Your story is being written with intention, and every moment is preparing you for ‘such a time as this.’ Embrace the journey, knowing that each twist and turn is not a setback but a set-up for something extraordinary. Let’s dive deep into the wisdom of divine alignment together, strengthening our faith and finding joy in the journey ahead.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Destined for a Purpose: You’re at the right place at the right time, equipped, and called for a unique mission.
  • Molded by Experiences: Every experience, every challenge, is shaping you, and preparing you for what’s next.
  • The Uniqueness of Your Journey: Your story is unique, your timing is divine, and your path is yours alone
  • Faith in the Divine Plan: Keep believing in the incredible plan God has for you.
  • Embrace the Unexpected: Every great journey involves unexpected detours and challenges
  • Guarding Against Doubt: When we are out of sync with the truths God declared over us, we inadvertently give room to doubts and fears that whisper lies into our heart and mind
  • The Gift of Grace: It’s essential to grant yourself the gift of grace rather than the harsh self-criticism that you should be further along
  • Grace as a Catalyst for Growth: Giving yourself grace becomes a powerful catalyst for resilience, self-discovery, and a fulfilling journey.
  • Psalm 37:23 
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

Podcast Links:

Click the link below to watch the full video on YouTube. Don’t miss out – your journey to divine purpose starts here!


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3MGagf7

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair





Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.


Elevating Our Impact: Greater Things for God’s Kingdom Ep.87


Have you ever wondered what it truly means to elevate our impact for the greater things in God’s Kingdom? In a world where our aspirations often align with personal success and achievements, how do we shift our focus to a higher calling, to make a lasting, meaningful impact that transcends our individual lives and touches the divine purpose of God’s grand plan? This pivotal question invites us to explore not just the breadth of our actions, but the depth of our faith and the extent of our commitment to God’s work on earth. So, as you stand at the threshold of this year, how will you embrace it? With arms wide open, a heart brimming with courage, and a spirit that’s hungry for the extraordinary. With God as your ally, the horizon of achievement stretches infinitely. This is your time, your moment. Seize it and become truly unstoppable and do great things for the kingdom.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Each of us is called to a unique purpose
  • God’s grand design is a dynamic and ongoing process
  • Stop settling for average and become unstoppable
  • Whatever you do, do it with excellence and passion as if you are doing it for the Lord himself
  • Be an active participant in God’s work
  • Even when the path is unclear trust that God is guiding you
  • Are you positioning yourself for answered prayers?
  • Cultivate a heart of gratitude and patience
  • John 14:12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.
  • Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Ready to dive deeper into this transformative journey? 🌟 Click the link below to watch the full video on YouTube. Don’t miss out – your journey to divine purpose starts here!


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3MGagf7

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair





Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Excelling in the Uncharted: Getting Ready for What’s Next Ep.86


Have you ever stood on the precipice of a new year, feeling the electrifying promise of fresh beginnings and the exhilarating challenge of the unknown? As we set our course into the uncharted waters of the coming year, let us unite in a fervent prayer, calling upon God’s wisdom and strength to elevate us to unprecedented levels of achievement and fulfillment. This is not just another year; it is your canvas for greatness, an arena to showcase resilience, innovation, and excellence. Each day presents a golden opportunity to surpass our previous limits, to transform dreams into tangible realities, and to etch our names in the annals of personal and collective triumph.

As we stride into this year, let’s ignite a fire of ambition in our hearts. Let’s pledge to not only chase our goals but to leap beyond them, to not just participate in the race but to lead it. This year is about breaking barriers, shattering ceilings, and setting new benchmarks. We are architects of our destiny, sculptors of our dreams. Together, let’s forge a path of extraordinary achievements, support each other in every endeavor, and build a legacy of success and innovation. In every challenge, let’s see a stepping stone to greatness, and in every setback, a lesson to propel us forward. With faith as our compass and determination as our sail, there’s no height too lofty, no dream too distant. Let’s harness the divine guidance and make this year a monumental testament to what we can achieve when we believe, strive, and soar together.

Podcast Highlights:

  • What is the thing you would do if you truly believed God is with you and for you?
  • Your next assignment is not merely a task on the horizon but a divine opportunity crafted by the hands of the almighty God
  • When you live out your purpose you’re not just serving yourself; you’re contributing a valuable service to the entire world
  • Gratitude is a powerful practice that can shift your perspective and bring more positivity into your daily life.
  • Setting clear intentions can help guide your actions and decisions throughout the year.
  • Acknowledge the lessons learned and how they have contributed to your growth.
  • Are you prepared for the answers to your prayers? 
  • The quest for true fulfillment is found with purpose 
  • Trust in God’s guidance 
  • Colossians 3:23
  • Proverbs 16:9
  • Proverbs 3:5-6

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3MGagf7

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair





Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Unbroken Resilience: A Symphony of ‘HER’ Ep.82


Welcome, dear listeners, to a poetic journey where resilience takes center stage. In the grand drapes of life, our verses unfold, painting a vivid portrait of HER—strong, enduring, and resilient. Join us as we delve into the symphony of existence, where each line is a note in the anthem of HER strength. This is not just a poem; it’s an  lyric to the unwavering spirit of women, a celebration of their triumphs through the dance of life.

In shadows deep, where strength resides,
A symphony of grace, where courage hides.
‘Her,’ the anthem of resilience sung,
In every heart, where dreams are strung.

She weaves tales with threads of might,
An artist in the canvas of the night.
In the tapestry of life, she’s the art,
Her spirit, a flame that won’t depart.

Through valleys low and mountains high,
She dances with stars in the vast sky.
A whispering wind, a force untamed,
In ‘Her,’ a universe unnamed.

With every step, she breaks the chains,
Defying echoes of the world’s refrains.
In the symphony of life, she’s the chord,
A melody of strength, forever adored.

So, let the verses echo through the air,
A tribute to ‘Her,’ beyond compare.
In the tapestry of time, she’s the thread,
A poem of empowerment, where she’s led.

In the playground of adversity,
She wore resilience as her crown.
With scraped knees and dreams intact,
She’d rise, unyielding, never to drown.

Amidst the storms of love’s despair,
She weathered heartbreak’s chilling air.
From the ashes, she’d rise anew,
A phoenix in love’s tempest, true.

In the divine vows of joy and strife,
She embraced the essence of a wife.
Through the dance of shadows in wedded bliss,

Her resilience, a tender, unyielding kiss.

In the boardrooms of glass and steel,
She carved success, her will the seal.
A career forged in fires of might,
She soared through challenges, taking flight.

Amidst lullabies and sleepless nights,
She painted motherhood with pure delights.
In nurturing love and midnight tears,
Her resilience spanned the fleeting years.

Through the lab-yrinth of friendships tried,
She stood unbroken, with strength beside.
In the echoes of laughter and tears,
Resilience marked the passing years.

When health stumbled, shadows drew near,
She faced the battles, unwavering, no fear.
A warrior in pain’s tough domain,
Her resilience, an anthem, not in vain.

In every chapter, through life’s grand ballet,
Women dance with grace, come what may.
Through childhood, love, and paths unknown,
Resilience in their hearts is eternally sown.

In the symphony of existence, they find their tune, Harmonizing resilience, like the glow of the moon. In the tapestry of time, their stories unfold, A testament to strength, more precious than gold.

Through sunsets of joy and the storms of strife,
They navigate the oceans of a complex life.
Hand in hand, with courage as their guide,
Women persist, with grace on every side.

So, let the narrative of resilience be told,
In the chronicles of courage, ever bold.
For in the grand tapestry, each thread is known, A testament to the strength in women, beautifully shown.

Today, and every day, let the celebration of yourself be a declaration of self-love and a recognition of the incredible woman you are. Cheers to you, to your journey, and to the brilliance that radiates from within.

Thank you for joining us in celebrating ‘HER’, the invulnerable force that dances through the chapters of life’s grand ballet. God Bless you!

Transforming Mindsets One Thought At A Time!

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Watch the video for; Unbroken Resilience: A Symphony of ‘HER’, please visit our YouTube channel⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬


YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3MGagf7

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Essential Elevated: How To Master Basic Clothing Wear Ep. 80


Zach Powell is the visionary behind and owner of Paradigm Pieces. He creates unique luxury items with a message. His most recent collection, Rebirth, focuses on the transformation of old things becoming new. Today he discusses his journey in fashion, his why and the new collection. If you would like to support Zach and his vision you can buy his clothing at https://paradigmpieces.com

The phrase “When you support a small business, you support a dream” emphasizes the personal and aspirational nature of small businesses. Here’s a breakdown of the sentiment and meaning behind it:

  1. Supporting a Dream: Small businesses are often born out of the dreams and aspirations of individuals or a group of people. Entrepreneurs invest not just money but also their passion, creativity, and hard work into building something meaningful. When you support a small business, you are contributing to the realization of someone’s dream.
  2. Personal Connection: Unlike large corporations, small businesses often have a more personal touch. The products or services offered may be crafted with a unique perspective, reflecting the owner’s personality, values, and aspirations. Supporting a small business means connecting with the people behind it, understanding their story, and becoming a part of their journey.
  3. Economic Impact: Supporting small businesses has a direct impact on the local economy. It helps create jobs, fosters innovation, and contributes to the overall diversity and vibrancy of a community. By choosing to spend your money at a small business, you are investing in the local economy and helping it thrive.
  4. Community Building: Small businesses are integral to the fabric of communities. They often sponsor local events, engage in community initiatives, and build relationships with their customers. Supporting these businesses goes beyond a transaction; it becomes a way of fostering community spirit and connection.
  5. Encouraging Entrepreneurship: When consumers actively choose to support small businesses, they send a message that entrepreneurship is valued and encouraged. This can inspire others to pursue their own business dreams, contributing to a culture of innovation and self-reliance.

In essence, the phrase is a reminder that every purchase from a small business is more than just a transaction; it’s a choice to contribute to someone’s dream, to support a unique and personal endeavor, and to play a role in building a thriving local community.

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Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Evolving Unapologetically: Embrace The New Ep. 69


Have you ever looked in the mirror of your own life and asked yourself: Am I truly Evolving Unapologetically? What’s holding me back from embracing the new with open arms, and how can I break free from those constraints to become the best version of myself?

In a world that often expects us to fit into predefined molds and conform to societal norms, there’s immense power in unapologetically evolving. It’s about recognizing that your journey is uniquely yours, and your path to personal growth is not something that requires permission or validation from others. Unapologetically evolving means embracing change with a fierce determination, a commitment to shed the self-imposed limitations that have held you back, and the audacity to be authentically yourself.

This transformative journey isn’t always easy. It might involve challenging long-held beliefs, stepping into the unknown, or daring to dream bigger than ever before. It’s about finding the courage to break free from the constraints of fear and self-doubt. Unapologetically evolving is an acknowledgment that you are a work in progress, and each step forward is a testament to your resilience and strength.

At its core, unapologetically evolving is a celebration of your uniqueness. It’s about recognizing that your quirks, passions, and dreams are what make you exceptional. In this journey, you’re not alone. You’re part of a community of like-minded individuals who understand that the pursuit of personal growth is a lifelong endeavor. So, join us as we explore the transformative power of embracing change with unapologetic determination. Together, let’s inspire, support, and uplift each other as we boldly evolve into the best versions of ourselves.

“Evolving Unapologetically is a courageous dance with the unknown, a journey where we not only embrace the new but also rediscover the power within ourselves to shape it. It’s about being unafraid to let go of the old chapters and author the narrative of our own transformation.” -Melissa Parsons

Podcast Highlights:

  • Celebrate your uniqueness and be unapologetically yourself. Your individuality is your strength
  • Understanding our limiting beliefs is an essential step towards personal growth and embracing change 
  • Each person’s journey is unique- do not compare yours to someone else’s 
  • You don’t need permission to evolve and become the best version of yourself. Your journey is yours to own 
  • Your transformation can be a beacon of hope and motivation for others facing their own challenges
  • Prioritize your own well-being and progress and do not let your dreams lie dormant inside of you
  • When you change everything around you shifts
  • Setbacks may actually be set-ups for your next 
  • What God has planned for your life is better than what you could ever plan for yourself 
  • Stop putting curses on the promises God has spoken over your life
  • Life is an ever-unfolding story. Embrace the new experiences and opportunities it brings without hesitation
  • Your ability to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward is a testament to your resilience and determination 
  • Romans 11:29  for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.
  • Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us
  • Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
  • Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  • Genesis 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing

Here are three thought-provoking questions to help you kickstart your journey of unapologetic evolution:

1. What unique qualities or passions do you possess that you’ve been hesitant to fully embrace?** Often, it’s our unique attributes that hold the key to our personal growth and fulfillment.

2. What limiting beliefs or fears have been stopping you from pursuing the changes you desire in your life?** Identifying these obstacles is the first step toward conquering them and moving forward.

3. If you were to imagine your ideal self without any constraints, what would that person look like, and what steps can you take today to move closer to that vision?** Visualizing your ideal self can provide clarity and motivation for your journey of self-improvement.

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.

Journey To Organization Ep. 48



Guest – Amani Miles – Maryland Professional Organizer https://journey-to-organization.com/

How can we be more organized spiritually?

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Podcast Links:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Stuck Between the Wait & the Promise


When you are stuck in the middle of life, it can feel like an unpleasant, unpredictable and mysterious scene that’s being replayed over and over. You’re the actor, and the audience are the people inside of your little bubble. Sometimes the feelings of uncertainty can be staring you right in the face; however, the only thing you’re certain of is that if you don’t keep moving forward, you are soon to get stuck right in the place you promised yourself you would never return to again.

For many of us, feeling stuck or not knowing what your next move should be can be a very scary and self-critical place to be. Sometimes the barriers of worry, unbelief, doubt or mistrust can leave you feeling hopeless. In this season, I find myself in the middle of nowhere, but yet I continue trying to walk on the water, keeping my hope and faith on the One above. One thing that I know for sure is that whenever I’m writing blogs, I find myself going before everyone that’s reading them as though I’m predicting my next move or experience in life.

With that being said, as I started this new journey of being self-employed, I heard God call me out and say “Take the step of faith by stepping out on the water”. After I took the steps, I felt things begin to happen and a shifting took place. I started to move in the direction I believed God was calling me too. Many spiritual gifts that I had not acknowledged or that I had neglected were being released, and I actually felt like I was walking on water. My faith was rising, and the creative side of me was flourishing so much that I was amazed by what God was helping me create. But then, all of a sudden, I started to feel abandoned. I didn’t feel Jesus walking alongside me anymore. I started thinking, “I feel like Peter when he took his eyes off Jesus, and he began sinking.”

“‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’”— Matthew 14: 28-31 (NIV)

During the time that Jesus was right by my side, I had faith in Him and things were moving; I felt secure. When I didn’t feel Him, however, I started to rely on my own strength and doubted that the promises He made were actually for me. I started to doubt if I was really hearing Him.

Can I tell my story, and be real for a moment?

When I laid face down and cried out to my Daddy, I asked Him why I was going through this process of not knowing where my next client or my next paycheck was coming from.  I heard God say, “You had faith to step out on the water, but now I want to know if you’ll trust me.” I thought, ‘Wait, What? God, trust you? I don’t have time for this… I have bills to pay.” I wondered why we needed to go through a demonstration when He already knew the answer; He’s God, and He knows everything. In reality though, what could I have done but wait and trust Him? I knew that I refused to come this far and this close to the promises just to turn back. Now I am constantly thinking, “Although it’s not easy Lord, I’ll trust you!”

In the Bible, it tells us a story of how Paul and Silas waited on God and how they were attacked by a crowd, beaten and thrown in jail. The jailer put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks…….About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. SUDDENLY …… there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.-Acts 16 (NIV)

So now I am at my suddenly…….Since then, and continuously today, NO bills are going unpaid. For years I operated from a standpoint of “I knew when I was getting paid and which pay period covered certain bills like clockwork.” However, I believe God is breaking me out of these worldly structures, plans and disciplines by teaching me to trust in Heaven’s economy and not the world’s economy. The longer I wait patiently to see what God’s next move is for my life, the more trust, love and humility is working through me for my good!

“And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28

I will not only pray for myself, but for all of you who are reading my blog today. I want to encourage you to wait on the Lord and be of good courage because your SUDDENLY IS COMING! Sometimes, it may seem as though He’s not listening to us, but I promise you that He hears all of us. He feels our pain, our hurts, our frustrations, and even our loneliness. As I wait on His promises to manifest in my life, I’m learning how to trust Him more and more.

Someday I will look back over my life and remember He’s international, and that He did it for me again and again! If He did it for Paul and Silas then, My friend, He is worth the wait, and His promises will never return to Him void. God’s power is limitless, and He’ll break through for you and me too!