Tag Archives: creation

New Mindset for A New Year!


The world is filled with hurting people that are allowing themselves to sit in the backseat of a car while emotions, circumstances, and other negatives drive them around, rendering them powerless. However, it’s a new year, and it’s time for us to rise up and take our position: be the driver of our own vehicle called life. It’s time to cut the shackles of shame, guilt, and fear and put A-C-T-I-O-N in your steps. Are you aware that it’s your birthright to live an abundant life and all you have to do is shift your mindset? Well, it’s time to transform, transition and shift your mindset to live in the overflow. You must be willing to leap out on faith, embrace who you are, forgive yourself and others, and have C-L-A-R-I-T-Y in your life to take the steps you need for this new mindset and season! This move is not just about money or possessions, but more importantly, it’s about becoming a new creation in Christ, which allows you to have access to an abundant life. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV), it says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” It must be a choice. If the things you are doing are not working for you, then it’s time to take another route to get to your next level. If you are ready and I mean really, really R-E-A-D-Y, then let’s start this journey together and live in the abundance that’s waiting for us to come into an agreement with John 10:10.

First, for us to live the life we deserve, we must love ourselves. The root of many problems stems from people not loving or embracing who they are. Start with a self-evaluation of yourself. If you don’t love who you are, then how do you expect any relationship you encounter to be filled with love, care, and prosperity? In 1 John 4:8 (NKJV) it says, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Many of us struggle with embracing our imperfections, faults, and mistakes. We need to recognize our mistakes and learn from them, then keep it moving. We must also declare peace within ourselves and regain strength to focus on the path to wholeness where we’ve previously experienced brokenness. I too, struggled when it came to self-love. But, at that time, I always looked at myself as being a stranger, invisible, victimized, detached from myself, and isolated from others.

However, as I look back over my life I see Jesus everywhere I thought or felt I was alone. I see the times where He was building me up and setting me apart to become someone He could use to teach, serve, and bless others, further enabling me to feel good about who I am and whose I AM. There is power in the words “I am.” I love to use them in positive affirmations and to tell the world who “I am” and not look at the world’s perspective of what they say “I am.”

Does the world really see us as we see ourselves? I have learned that you will only go as far as your self-worth takes you. So many toxic thoughts try to control our thought patterns. But, we must have an awareness of the thoughts that cause us to feel inadequate or unworthy. We cannot allow wrong thoughts into our minds nor compare or measure ourselves according to others. You must know your self-worth and self-value. Although we cannot control how others may feel about us, don’t allow anyone to interfere with your ability to enjoy life. We cannot allow people to steal our joy, take our power or influence our emotions. You will encounter unexpected challenges, events, and situations that may cause you pain, but even then, you can have a positive reaction when those circumstances arise.

When you have the right tools, skills, and techniques to shift your mindset, then you will receive what is rightfully yours. We have the power to renew our mind with scripture (the truth). You must have a relationship with God and embrace who He created you to be. You must love yourself, forgive yourself and others, write a plan that gives you clarity for your life and V-I-S-U-A-L-I-Z-E the journey you plan to achieve, each day until you see it manifest. Romans 4:17 says, “he called those things that ‘BE NOT’ as though they WERE.” It’s all about seeing and believing, without doubt. Many people have their opinion about affirmations and how they are not working for them. However, affirmations will work if you believe the truth about yourself and see yourself as God sees you. Also, filling the atmosphere with thanksgiving and praise to God is the most productive way for spiritual growth and creates an atmosphere that surrounds you when obstacles of life try to drain you. Spending time with God can be the most personal, most intimate, most powerful, and most energizing. Because even when you’re tired, even when life happens, and unexpected challenges come, He will give you the energy and strength to keep going without feeling like you must rely on your own power to carry you through the day. It’s time to close that door to your hurtful past, the one that’s rendering you powerless. Allow God to help you deal with every matter of your heart. With His help, take control of your life and transition your mindset. Believe that a Higher Being wants the best for your life! Just imagine the power in this change of perspective and the abundance that’s W-A-I-T-I-N-G for you!