Tag Archives: Faith

The Power of Transformation: Unlocking Your Inner Potential Ep. 74


Have you ever wondered what it truly means to undergo a profound transformation, to shed the old and emerge as a stronger, more purposeful version of yourself? Today, we embark on a journey of discovery, where the power of transformation will illuminate your path and inspire you to become the person you’ve always aspired to be.

In a world marked by constant change and challenges, we often seek stability, purpose, and a deeper understanding of our place in the grand tapestry of life. It’s in these moments that the message of transformation becomes profoundly relevant. As we discover not only the opportunity to shed the old and embrace the new, but also to engage in a continuous process of learning and un-learning to truly unearth the treasures within our own souls, which involves a journey that compels us to transcend the boundaries we’ve set for ourselves and to aim for the brilliance of our untapped potential.

So, join us as we embark on an inspiring journey of transformation.

Podcast Highlights

  • True transformation is about becoming a new creation in Christ
  • Transformation is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with God’s purpose for our lives
  • Salvation is the greatest gift and miracle we  receive 
  • In the most challenging moments we have the power to rise, rebuild, and become stronger than we ever imagined
  • The transformation of a newborn into the world, much like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, is a powerful testament to the divine design that surrounds us
  • Apostel Paul’s story reminds us that God’s transformative power is not limited by our past mistakes or the depth of our sins
  • The prodigal son’s story is not just about returning home; His transformation goes beyond behavior; it’s a change of heart and identity
  • The path of becoming is undeniably supernatural
  • We are not meant to be stuck in an endless cycle of defeat
  • God has readied us for the journey of transformation
  • Are you prepared to let God reveal incredible potential inside of you?
  • God will bring out what He put inside of you when the time is right
  • The path of becoming is not always easy, but it’s always worth it
  • You’re not alone- God walks beside you
  • Colossians 3:9-10
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Romans 12:2
  • Romans 3:23

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

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Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

How To Take Risks:Unleash Your Inner Lion Ep. 73


Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn dreams into reality, to overcome challenges that seem insurmountable, and to unlock your true potential?

Each of us carries within us experiences, dreams, and moments that define who we are. But often, there’s a chapter in our story waiting to be written – a chapter that requires us to take a leap of faith, embrace our inner courage, and take a risk. And, as Believers, we find deep inspiration and guidance in the Scriptures. In the Bible, we encounter countless individuals who took incredible risks driven by their faith. Their stories are a testament to the power of faith and the potential that lies within each of us to overcome fear and uncertainty.

So, today, we invite you to join us on this journey as we explore what it means to “Take a Risk: Unleash Your Inner Lion. Listeners, if you’re seeking inspiration and a dose of motivation, you won’t want to miss this episode. Get ready to ignite your inner fire and take bold steps towards your dreams. Grab your headphones, find a comfy spot, and join us for a transformative journey. Let’s dive in!

Podcast Highlights:

  • Courage is the lion’s roar within us. It’s that voice that says, “I will not be paralyzed by fear”
  • Unleashing your inner lion also involves developing a bold strategy
  • Some of the most significant breakthroughs and accomplishments in history have been the result of individuals who were unafraid to step out into uncharted territory
  • Facing your giant begins with increasing your faith and courage
  • Faith isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the strength to act in spite of it
  • Your beliefs about yourself and your abilities have a profound impact on what you can achieve
  • Dreams without action are merely wishes
  • Focus on the prudential rewards and growth that can come from facing your giant
  • Taking risks is a continuous process of stepping out of our comfort zone
  • You are the game changing solution the world has been waiting for
  • It’s in the active pursuit of God’s plan that we discover the more He has for us
  • Keep pushing forward, even in the face of adversity, and you’ll find that you are capable of overcoming more than you ever imagined
  • Common fears and doubts often cast a shadow of hesitation over individuals contemplating taking a risk
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV): “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”
  • Joshua 1:9 (NIV): “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

How To Reignite Your Purpose: Embrace Resurrection Ep. 72


Have you ever wondered why so many of us are dying to live?

In the heart of every individual lies a profound yearning for a life of deeper purpose and meaning. This inner longing is not just a desire for personal fulfillment but a spiritual journey that transcends any particular belief system.At the core of this quest is the search for a unique purpose in life. Each person believes they are designed for a specific reason, and discovering and fulfilling this purpose becomes a sacred undertaking. It is this individualized purpose that infuses our existence with true significance.

But why do we yearn to truly live?

This yearning is rooted in our innate desire for a closer connection with the Divine. It’s about yearning for a profound spiritual experience, seeking communion with a Higher Power, and embracing the transformative power of faith or spirituality. We are drawn to the idea that there is something greater than ourselves, something that provides a deeper understanding of the world and our place in it. Living a meaningful life means aligning our actions and attitudes with values such as love, compassion, forgiveness, and service to others. This alignment reflects the transformational impact of our beliefs and values. We are driven to live by these values because they resonate with the deepest parts of our being, offering a sense of fulfillment that material possessions and superficial desires cannot provide. We are dying to live because we want to understand our purpose, increase spiritual growth, evolution, and becoming the best version of ourselves.

Ultimately, our pursuit of meaning extends to making a positive impact in the world. This involves reaching out to others in need, sharing our insights, and being a tangible force for positive change. It is a life lived with a sense of mission and purpose. We are dying to live because we recognize that true fulfillment is found in contributing to the well-being of others and leaving a lasting impact.We are dying to live because we believe that life’s true essence is found in the pursuit of a higher calling, in the alignment with our deepest values, and in the continuous growth of our souls.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Dying to live offers an invitation to release the past, accept the present, and step confidently into the future 
  • True abundance isn’t measured by material wealth; it’s measured by the richness of our faith and depths of our compassion and the wealth of our lives for one another
  • Abundance is found in the rebirth that occurs when we invite Christ into our lives
  • In transformation we unearth abundance beyond measure
  • Our purpose is a beacon of light leading others to Christ
  • You are in the midst of a profound transformation- trust that God has given you the capacity for growth
  • Your dreams are apart of God’s divine plan for your life; trust in His timing
  • Purpose is driving motivation that gives our existence direction, fulfillment, and a sense of significance
  • Your purpose is unique and is waiting for you to discover it
  • Purpose is not static; it evolves as you do 
  • Ephesians 1:4-5
  • Galatians 2:20
  • Luke 9:23
  • Corinthians 6:19-20
  • Romans 12:1-2

Here are three inspiring questions to help you on your journey to discover your purpose:

  1. What Brings You Joy and Fulfillment? Reflect on the activities and moments in life that truly make you happy and fulfilled. What are you passionate about? Often, our purpose is closely tied to what brings us joy, as it reflects our authentic selves.
  2. What Would You Do if Fear Were Not a Factor? Consider what you would pursue if you had no fear of failure or judgment. Sometimes, our true purpose lies hidden beneath our apprehensions. Identifying these aspirations can guide you toward your purpose-driven path.
  3. How Can You Serve Others and Make a Positive Impact? Purpose often involves contributing to the well-being of others and the world at large. Ask yourself how you can use your talents, skills, and passions to make a positive impact on others’ lives. This can reveal a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Podcast Links:

If you are interested in following The Lounge Chair podcast, you can find us on most major podcast platforms, including:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.



In the tapestry of life, “New Found Hope” is the vibrant thread that weaves its way through the darkest hours. It’s the whisper in our hearts that reminds us of the possibility that awaits beyond our challenges. This hope isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a powerful force that breathes life into our dreams, reignites our passions, and fuels our determination. It’s the belief that even when the world seems uncertain, there’s a guiding light leading us to brighter days. “New Found Hope” isn’t about denying the reality of difficulties but embracing the strength to persevere, the resilience to endure, and the unwavering faith that tomorrow holds promise. It’s a beacon that calls us to step boldly into the unknown, knowing that our journey is marked by the potential for transformation and the discovery of new beginnings. Additionally, this hope is the catalyst for change, the catalyst for healing, and the catalyst for love and unity. It reminds us that no matter how far we’ve traveled down our life’s path, we can always pivot, redirect, and rekindle our sense of purpose. It is the dawn breaking after the darkest night, the first step towards a new adventure, and the promise that we’re never alone in our quest for a brighter, more fulfilling future. It’s a message that transcends time, offering solace, inspiration, and the unwavering belief that within our hearts, hope is always found anew.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Hope is an anchor that keeps us grounded during times of turmoil
  • With God the limits of what’s possible dissolves
  • Faith is a powerful force that propels us forward 
  • Just as Moses beheld the burning bush open your senses to the divine encounters with God
  • Your potential knows no age or expiration date
  • When you have a real encounter with God everything shifts
  • Your current struggles do not dictate how things will unfold down the line 
  • Pause and reflect, question your beliefs, seek alternative views, visualize possibilities, embrace growth mindset 
  • Philippians 4:13 (NIV): I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
  • Isaiah 40:31 (NIV): “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV): Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here
  • Luke 18:35-43 (NIV) is a passage that beautifully illustrates the concept of finding strength and redemption in our weaknesses:

Here are three thought-provoking questions for you to ponder:

  • What would your life look like if you approached challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation? Consider how shifting your perspective from obstacles to possibilities could reshape your journey.
  • Can you recall a moment when a change in perspective brought about a significant positive change in your life? Reflect on times when a new outlook or mindset shift led to unexpected breakthroughs.
  • How can you infuse hope into your daily routine? Explore practical ways to cultivate hope, whether through affirmations, gratitude, connecting with loved ones, or pursuing your passions.

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

Diamond District Beauty

Podcast Links:

Spotify – The Lounge Chair

Apple Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Google Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Podvine Podcast – The Lounge Chair

Evolving Unapologetically: Embrace The New Ep. 69


Have you ever looked in the mirror of your own life and asked yourself: Am I truly Evolving Unapologetically? What’s holding me back from embracing the new with open arms, and how can I break free from those constraints to become the best version of myself?

In a world that often expects us to fit into predefined molds and conform to societal norms, there’s immense power in unapologetically evolving. It’s about recognizing that your journey is uniquely yours, and your path to personal growth is not something that requires permission or validation from others. Unapologetically evolving means embracing change with a fierce determination, a commitment to shed the self-imposed limitations that have held you back, and the audacity to be authentically yourself.

This transformative journey isn’t always easy. It might involve challenging long-held beliefs, stepping into the unknown, or daring to dream bigger than ever before. It’s about finding the courage to break free from the constraints of fear and self-doubt. Unapologetically evolving is an acknowledgment that you are a work in progress, and each step forward is a testament to your resilience and strength.

At its core, unapologetically evolving is a celebration of your uniqueness. It’s about recognizing that your quirks, passions, and dreams are what make you exceptional. In this journey, you’re not alone. You’re part of a community of like-minded individuals who understand that the pursuit of personal growth is a lifelong endeavor. So, join us as we explore the transformative power of embracing change with unapologetic determination. Together, let’s inspire, support, and uplift each other as we boldly evolve into the best versions of ourselves.

“Evolving Unapologetically is a courageous dance with the unknown, a journey where we not only embrace the new but also rediscover the power within ourselves to shape it. It’s about being unafraid to let go of the old chapters and author the narrative of our own transformation.” -Melissa Parsons

Podcast Highlights:

  • Celebrate your uniqueness and be unapologetically yourself. Your individuality is your strength
  • Understanding our limiting beliefs is an essential step towards personal growth and embracing change 
  • Each person’s journey is unique- do not compare yours to someone else’s 
  • You don’t need permission to evolve and become the best version of yourself. Your journey is yours to own 
  • Your transformation can be a beacon of hope and motivation for others facing their own challenges
  • Prioritize your own well-being and progress and do not let your dreams lie dormant inside of you
  • When you change everything around you shifts
  • Setbacks may actually be set-ups for your next 
  • What God has planned for your life is better than what you could ever plan for yourself 
  • Stop putting curses on the promises God has spoken over your life
  • Life is an ever-unfolding story. Embrace the new experiences and opportunities it brings without hesitation
  • Your ability to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward is a testament to your resilience and determination 
  • Romans 11:29  for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.
  • Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us
  • Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
  • Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  • Genesis 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing

Here are three thought-provoking questions to help you kickstart your journey of unapologetic evolution:

1. What unique qualities or passions do you possess that you’ve been hesitant to fully embrace?** Often, it’s our unique attributes that hold the key to our personal growth and fulfillment.

2. What limiting beliefs or fears have been stopping you from pursuing the changes you desire in your life?** Identifying these obstacles is the first step toward conquering them and moving forward.

3. If you were to imagine your ideal self without any constraints, what would that person look like, and what steps can you take today to move closer to that vision?** Visualizing your ideal self can provide clarity and motivation for your journey of self-improvement.

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.

Stop Over-Thinking: Strategies To Overcome A Vicious Cycle Ep. 68


Do you find yourself trapped in a never-ending cycle of overthinking? Are your thoughts racing in circles, leaving you stressed and anxious? Overthinking can be a relentless adversary, but the good news is that you have the power to break free from its grip. In this podcast, we will explore some effective strategies to help you overcome the vicious cycle of overthinking and regain control of your thoughts and emotions.

Overthinking is a common mental quagmire that many of us find ourselves ensnared in from time to time. It’s the seemingly endless loop of thoughts, doubts, and uncertainties that can paralyze decision-making, elevate stress levels, and hinder personal and professional growth. In this fast-paced, information-saturated world, where choices abound and consequences loom, the propensity to overthink has become an unwelcome companion for many.

The irony is that overthinking often arises from a well-intentioned desire to make the best decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. However, it can lead to analysis paralysis, indecision, and the chronic anticipation of problems that may never materialize. The relentless swirl of thoughts can be mentally exhausting, affecting both our emotional well-being and our ability to take meaningful action. The good news is that you have the power to break free from this self-imposed mental prison. In this podcast, we will explore a series of effective strategies designed to help you overcome the vicious cycle of overthinking. These strategies encompass mindfulness practices, cognitive techniques, lifestyle adjustments, and emotional tools that you can integrate into your daily routine to regain control of your thoughts and emotions.

Podcast Highlights:

  • What we decide to feed our attention to  greatly influences our thoughts, emotions, and experiences-shaping the direction of our lives
  • Overthinking and excessive worry can be detrimental to our health- trust in God’s provision and take things one day at a time  
  • Overthinking can hinder us from hearing God’s voice and discerning His will for us
  • Overthinking leads to lack of trust in God, indecisiveness, avoidance, negativity/anxiety, and distracted focus from God
  • Refusing to deal with overthinking holds us captive from producing fruit 
  • We need to understand who we are and whose we are
  • Techniques to stop overthinking include acknowledge it exists, mindfulness, challenge your thoughts, set limits on decision making, distract yourself with a different activity, practice self care, challenge perfectionism, practice gratitude, seek professional help
  • Matthew 6:34 – Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
  • Psalm 1:3 – That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
  • 1 Corinthian 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
  • Philippians 4:8 – Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things

Here are five of the best strategies to overcome overthinking:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Practicing mindfulness involves staying fully present in the moment, observing your thoughts without judgment, and redirecting your focus when it drifts into overthinking. Regular mindfulness meditation can help you become more aware of your thought patterns and reduce their power over you.
  2. Set Time Limits for Decision-Making: Establish specific time frames for making decisions, both big and small. This prevents you from endlessly mulling over choices and forces you to take action within a reasonable timeframe. Setting boundaries around decision-making can alleviate the overthinking process.
  3. Journaling: Keeping a journal allows you to externalize your thoughts and emotions. Write down your worries, anxieties, and the thoughts that trouble you. This process provides clarity, helps identify patterns of overthinking, and can be a therapeutic way to process your feelings and concerns.
  4. Physical Activity: Regular exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. Engaging in physical activity not only benefits your physical health but also helps divert your attention away from overthinking and reduces stress.
  5. Seek Feedback: Discussing your thoughts and concerns with trusted friends, family members, or colleagues can provide different perspectives and insights. Seeking external input can help you see situations more clearly, reduce overthinking, and make more informed decisions.

Here are three questions to encourage you to take actionable steps in overcoming overthinking:

  1. What are the specific situations or areas of your life where overthinking is most prevalent? Identifying the triggers and contexts where overthinking occurs is the first step in addressing it. Reflect on when and where you tend to overthink the most.
  2. Which of the strategies discussed resonates with you the most? Consider the strategies mentioned in this article, and think about which one aligns best with your personality and lifestyle. Are you drawn to mindfulness meditation, setting time limits, journaling, seeking feedback, or another approach?
  3. What is one small, actionable step you can take today to combat overthinking? Taking action, no matter how small, is the key to progress. Decide on one concrete step you can implement immediately to address your overthinking tendencies. It could be as simple as setting a time limit for a decision or starting a mindfulness practice for just five minutes each day.

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.

The Impact Of Trauma: Seeking Freedom Pt. 2 Ep. 67


Have you ever wondered what it takes for someone who has weathered the tumultuous storms of trauma to step onto the path of liberation, bearing not only scars but also immense courage and resilience?

The wounds you carry, both visible and concealed, are the marks of your strength, not your weakness. You’ve faced darkness and despair, but here you are, ready to emerge from the shadows. Your journey is a testament to the extraordinary capacity of the human spirit to endure, to heal, and to soar above adversity. As you step onto the path towards freedom, know that you are not alone; you are part of a community of survivors who have defied the odds and found the courage to rebuild their lives. Your story is still being written, and it is one of triumph, transformation, and unwavering hope.

As you walk this path towards freedom, hold your head high, for you are the embodiment of resilience and hope. The scars you carry are not blemishes but badges of your strength and courage. They tell a story of survival and the indomitable human spirit. In seeking freedom from trauma, you are taking control of your narrative, rewriting it with empowerment, healing, and growth. So, continue to be kind to yourself, embrace the support around you, and never lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. Your journey is a testament to the incredible power of the human heart to heal, to find peace, and to reclaim a life filled with joy and purpose.

Podcast Highlights:

  • Forgiving others is not about excusing others or condoning their behavior-it’s about freeing yourself from the chains of hatred and resentment 
  • It’s the enemy’s plan to rob us of our identity – there is a demonic war on our identity 
  • The wilderness experience is a time growth, character development, and spiritual transformation 
  • In the wilderness believers learn to trust in God’s provision, surrender control, and embrace the unknown
  • In the midst of challenging moments remember you serve a God who is ever present and faithful
  • God is sovereign and has a promise for every circumstance
  • Your faith is not in the absence of trials, but in the unwavering presence of a God who can beauty out of the most difficult situations 
  • Healing begins with accepting that pain is part of your story- but remember that you are not alone
  • Healing is a complex and individual process
  • There’s no one- size-fits-all solution to healing from trauma- everyone’s journey is unique 
  • Recognizing the impact of trauma is crucial for moving forward
  • Genesis 1:27
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • Romans 3:23-24
  • Matthew 19:26

 Here are specific strategies or techniques for healing from trauma, such as therapy modalities or self-care practices:

Strategy: EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): EMDR is a well-established therapeutic technique specifically designed to help individuals process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional impact. During EMDR sessions, a trained therapist guides the individual through a structured process that includes bilateral stimulation, such as rapid eye movements or tactile sensations. This technique helps the brain reprocess traumatic memories, making them less distressing. Over time, individuals often experience a reduction in symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety, allowing them to regain a sense of control over their lives.

Strategy: Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: Incorporating mindfulness and grounding practices into daily life can be immensely helpful for trauma survivors. These techniques focus on staying present in the moment and managing overwhelming emotions. Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation are powerful tools to reduce anxiety and promote emotional regulation. Additionally, grounding exercises, such as the 5-4-3-2-1 technique (naming five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste), can help individuals reconnect with their immediate surroundings during moments of distress, providing a sense of safety and control.

These two strategies, EMDR therapy and mindfulness/grounding techniques, offer trauma survivors effective tools for healing and reclaiming their lives. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s journey to healing is unique, and what works best may vary from person to person. ******It’s advisable to work with a qualified mental health professional to determine the most suitable strategies for individual needs and experiences.********

Encouraging questions to start the journey to freedom:

Question 1: What small step can you take today to show yourself the kindness and compassion you truly deserve on your journey to healing and freedom?

Question 2: How might your life change if you viewed your past traumas not as anchors, but as stepping stones towards a brighter, more empowered future?

Question 3: Who in your life, whether it’s a friend, therapist, or support group, can you reach out to right now to begin building a strong foundation of support as you embark on your path to freedom from trauma?

Rising Beyond the Scars: A Journey of Renewal and Hope


Broken, bruised, and betrayed heart
Thirsty and hungry for a fresh start
Will these wounds be healed
As I yield to the scars of the past,
their weight concealed.

Seeking solace, a path revealed,
Through shadows deep, I’ll mend and mend,
A phoenix’s rise, my heart ascend.

Rebirthed in flames, a journey anew,
Embracing hope, the skies so blue,
With every step, a story to tell.

Through freedom we all shall rise,
Breaking chains that bind our skies,
Together we’ll soar, our spirits aglow.

Hand in hand, we’ll face the tide,
No longer held by fears that hide,
A symphony of souls, our voices unite,
In the realm of possibility, we’ll take flight,

Hold on to God’s unchanging hands
In faith’s embrace, we firmly stand,
Guided by love through every storm.

Amidst the echoes of battles fought,
In every scar, a lesson sought,
With courage as our guiding star,
We rise, transcending, near and far.

Through trials that tested our very core,
Each wound transformed, a tale to explore,
We wear them proudly, these marks we bear,
A testament to strength, a story to share.

No longer defined by what once was,
In unity we heal, embracing the cause,
A symphony of resilience, our hearts entwine,
Rising beyond the scars, our spirits shine.

For as the sun paints the sky anew,
So do we rise, our spirits true,
From brokenness to beauty, we soar.

Rising beyond the scars, forevermore,

In unity’s embrace, our strength will grow,
From darkness to light, I’ll break the spell,

With divine grace, our hearts transform.

Just as a blooming flower opens to the dawn,

Our souls unfold, new chapters spawn,

Like the river’s flow that carves its way,

We shape our destiny, come what may.

Just as the stars illuminate the night,

Our scars become constellations of light.

With each trial overcome, we ascend,

A story of strength and love to transcend.

For in every scar, a tale of grace,

A roadmap of courage to embrace.

Rising beyond the scars, we stand tall,

A masterpiece of resilience, we enthral.

In the symphony of life, this poem stands as a testament to the human spirit’s unwavering resilience. It echoes the journey from pain to healing, from darkness to light, and from wounds to wisdom. Through the power of unity, faith, and inner strength, we can rise above the scars that mark our past, and in doing so, create a tapestry of hope, renewal, and limitless possibility. Just as the sun rises beyond the horizon, we too can rise beyond the scars, embracing our unique stories and emerging stronger, brighter, and ever more triumphant.

By: Melissa Parsons Rawlings

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.

Acceptance and Belonging: Hunger For Reality And Truth Ep. 66


Have you ever felt that deep yearning within, a hunger for something authentic, something real and true? In a world where we’re bombarded with curated images and narratives, where do you find your sense of belonging and acceptance? In a world often filled with noise and distractions, where the pursuit of reality and truth seems like a distant horizon, we find comfort in the teachings of Christ and the eternal wisdom found within the Scriptures. Why do people search for acceptance? Is it because at the core of our human experience lies the innate need to belong, to be valued for who we are, and to be embraced without judgment?

In a world often marked by diversity and individuality, the longing for acceptance arises from a desire to connect with others on a meaningful level. This search isn’t merely about conforming; rather, it’s a quest for a safe space where we can express our authentic selves, share our thoughts and vulnerabilities, and find solace in the understanding that we are not alone on this journey. Acceptance provides the fertile ground where relationships flourish, where personal growth thrives, and where the seeds of genuine connections are sown. It’s a universal pursuit that transcends boundaries, cultures, and beliefs—an essential part of the human experience that holds the power to heal, unite, and uplift us all.

Highlighting Points:

  • God’s acceptance reminds us that we don’t need to earn His love or approval 
  • Gods acceptance remains constant 
  • Ephesians 1:6
  • We have an innate longing for acceptance, but we often seek it in imperfect relationships 
  • Gods acceptance comes as love, grace and affirmations 
  • Find community that will truly love you and accept you for who you are- you must put your walls down 
  • As followers of Christ we are not alone- as believers Jesus welcomes us into his family
  • Struggling with belonging can lead to feelings of loneliness 
  • The desire for belonging can only be filled by God-not substances or other vices 
  • Reasons why people may struggle with a sense of belonging include: fear of rejection, comparison/self-doubt, past experiences, cultural and social factors, internal struggles/self-perception
  • Romans 12:5
  • We need to activate acceptance and belonging in our communities and create safe spaces for every voice to be heard 
  • Steps to create community include: embrace authenticity, show compassion, foster inclusion, practice forgiveness


  1. How does the longing for acceptance and a sense of belonging align with the teachings of Christ, who embraced all with unconditional love? Can this yearning lead us to a deeper understanding of the reality and eternal truths He shared?
  2. In a world that often distorts reality and truth, how can our faith in Christ guide us to authentically seek acceptance while remaining rooted in His teachings? How does Christ’s message of love and belonging illuminate our path toward a more genuine and truthful existence?

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.

Wipe Your Tears: It’s Time To Shift Ep. 65


Life is a series of seasons, and just like the changing seasons, we too must evolve and shift. We all experience moments of sorrow, disappointment, and heartache – moments that bring tears to our eyes and weigh heavily on our hearts. But remember this: tears are not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to our humanity. They show that we care deeply, that we feel intensely, and that we are alive and engaged with the world around us.

Yet, my dear friends, there comes a time when we must gather the strength within us to wipe those tears away and make a conscious shift. A shift towards healing, growth, and a brighter future. So, how do we begin this transformative journey? Press play and let us provide you with the roadmap that leads to a journey of faith, hope, and transformations as we explore the powerful topic of shifting from tears to triumph.

Highlighting Points:

  • Change is a natural part of the journey
  • Shifting your perspective involves: stepping back and viewing your situation from a higher vantage point and reframing our thoughts (focus on the possibilities rather than limitations
  • When you place your hope in Jesus your tears are never in vain 
  • Turn your attention to God’s promises and unchanging faith 
  • Psalm 56:8
  • God’s intimate involvement in our lives brings immeasurable comfort and the assurance that we are never alone 
  • Isaiah 41: 10
  • Transformation leads to new horizons
  • Step out of your comfort zone
  • Set positive Intentions
  • Ignite a purposeful and fulfilling life
  • Lean on friends, family, and faith community
  • Seek guidance and encouragement
  • You don’t have to walk alone
  • Celebrate victories and forgive yourself and others
  • Embrace your journey with grace


  1. How have past experiences of overcoming challenges and wiping away tears contributed to your personal growth and ability to shift towards a more positive direction in your life?
  2. In your journey of shifting and embracing change, what strategies or practices have you found most effective in helping you navigate through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side?
  3. Can you share a specific instance where you witnessed someone close to you undergo a transformative shift after wiping away their tears? What lessons can we draw from their experience to inspire our own journeys of positive change?

Sponsor: Join the Diamond Club to receive 30% off code on your first order start shopping luxury vegan beauty products.

If you’re interested in joining the Diamond District Beauty Club, you can find more information on their website. You can join the Club for free and earn 30% off your first order. As a member, you will receive exclusive offers, discounts, and access to special events. You can also refer friends and family to join the Club for even more rewards.